GMAT Scoring Explained: How Your Score is Calculated?

What is Computerized Adaptive Test?

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is an adaptive computer test. It means that your score isn’t based on getting points for right answers. These tests are designed to adjust their level of difficulty—based on the responses provided—to match the knowledge and ability of a test taker. The test throws your way a set of questions of varying difficulty, working to figure out what your skill level is in each section, and then assigns you a corresponding point value based on where you end.

A candidate will get more straightforward questions at the beginning of a section. If you get those right, the difficulty level of future problems will increase. If you miss any questions along the way, the difficulty level will decrease.

What is the Score Breakdown?

This test is intended to assess potential candidates analytical writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in standard written English. The result of the test is used to gain admission for graduate management programs.

The duration of the exam is of 3 hours and 30 minutes, including test instructions and breaks. It consists of four sections. The detailed information about the sections is given as follows..

How does the GMAT algorithm work?

The total scaled score is a combination of your verbal and quantitative scaled scores. The three significant factors that determine the total scaled scores are

Number of questions answered correctly

number of questions answered

the difficulty of the questions answered

The scores are continually changing as a candidate answers the questions. To get a decisive score in the GMAT, one doesn’t need to get every question right, since the test’s scoring weighs the question’s difficulty level. A candidate can get multiple questions wrong and still come out with a good score.

The GMAC uses a complex scoring algorithm to compute the candidate’s final score. The algorithm is central to its business, so GMAC isn’t forthright with details of the scoring methodology, thus we must accept a certain degree of ambiguity regarding the total scaled score.

What does percentile rank mean?

The total scaled test score is on a scale of 200 to 800. In addition to this score, the test result comes along with a percentile ranking. This ranking shows the percentage of test-takers who scored at or below a certain score. The higher the percentile ranking of a candidate, the more competitive the score.

Scoring higher than 700 will assure a candidate to make it into the 90th percentile, while anything above 560 would ensure a higher-than-average score.

A strong GMAT score is one that will help you gain admission in a college of your dreams. The score is not the only part of the university application, but a great GMAT score can nevertheless set you apart from the competition.

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