GRE in 2 Months: The Ultimate Study Plan for Success
With 2 months to prepare a study plan for the GRE, you can think about dividing your GRE study time into two parts. During the first month of your GRE study plan, focus on mastering the strategic approaches to each type of question on the GRE, as well as the vocabulary and math content knowledge you’ll need to get questions correct. During the second month of your GRE study plan, focus on answering questions more quickly by doing timed practice. Also, challenge yourself with tougher questions
Aspirants can take the leverage of this time to learn, exercise and analyse their performance.
It is highly important to plan and schedule your preparation such a way that it should cover concepts in 360 degree which can make you reach the targeted score.
Before anything, test takers should self-diagnosis themselves to figure out their knowledge with the subject.Because this can help them to prioritize the concepts they have to pay more focus upon by leaving behind the stuff they were already aware of..
Here are GRE Preparation tips which every one should use
A) Preparation time
Jump into the preparation from the point where you’ve been and what you’ve done. Try to figure out your mistakes and look for ways to correct them.
B) Study Fundamentals
Remember, GRE fundamentals are highly essential to clear GRE with a desired score. Thus ask yourself about how strong you are in GRE basics? If the answer is “No”, then, start flipping the pages of GRE basics again.
C) Practice Test
Try to gather and start practicing GRE practice tests as much as you can to get familiar with the format of the test and the type of questions.
D)Prepare Calendar
An online calendar can be a great tool for keeping track of and accessing your personal study plan from anywhere. Plus, you can share your calendar with others so they know your schedule and can help you stay on track.
E)Take a class
If the idea of studying and making a schedule completely on your own seems daunting, consider signing up for a class. Working with a set schedule and expert instructors can help you stay focused and keep you motivated. Theprepminds offers GRE Courses with customized study plan depending on your schedule and learning style. Both In Person and Live Online class sessions cover the strategies and skills needed to succeed on the GRE, and the courses’ study plans help you decide what you should study, when to take practice tests, and how to pull it all together for Test Day.
F)Develop Your Study Plan
How often you study? An effective approach is to first use a resource such as a GRE book or GRE prep class to learn some strategies or content and then follow up by practicing what you just learned with test-like questions. Applying what you learn right away to the types of questions you’ll see on Test Day will help you solidify your knowledge so it sticks with you. The Prepminds helps you for the GRE practice and also develop you study plan for your GRE preparation
G) Rock the Test !
Online GRE test can be taken every 21 days (5 times in a 12 month period), while offline tests can be attempted 3 times every year.